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Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids


Salvia nipponica NEW! Zones 6-8 #030-037

Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex' Zones 4-8 #024-003

The gorgeous full-double form of our native bloodroot, long familiar to good gardeners, but seldom available. Easy in woodsy soil in light shade. Blooming size plants.
Sanguinaria canadensis 'Rosea' NEW! Zones 4-8 #024-036

Rare and limited offering pink flowered form of Sanguinaria cacnadensis. Easy in woodsy soil in light shade. Blooming size plants.
Saururus chinensis Zones 5-8 #072-001

Schizocodon intercedons Zones 4-8 #070-004

Grossy evergreen leaves with cute white flowers, native in alpine. Good for rock gardens. Rarely offering even in Japan.
Schizocodon soldanelloides 'Kuju' Zones 4-8 #070-001

Grossy evergreen leaves with cute white flowers, native in alpine. Good for rock gardens. Rarely offering even in Japan.
Shibateranthis pinnatifida Zones 4-8 #021-012

Also known as Eranthis pinnatifida, this is the Japanese relative of the Korean Shibaterantis stellata. This elegant species is a little more finely textured, but also with white flowers with dark stamens in early spring. Plant in well-drained humus rich soil in light to medium shade. Goes dormant in summer.
Shortia uniflora Dwarf Type Zones 4-8 #070-002

Shortia uniflora Large Type Zones 4-8 #070-003

Smilacina japonica Zones 4-8 #057-045

Japanese counterpart to our native false Solomon's seal, with creamy terminal clusters of flowers in spring.

Smilacina japonica f. magna Zones 4-8 #057



Streptopus amplexifolius pappillatus Zones 4-8 #053-043


Syneilesis palmata Zones 4-8 #017-007

Woodland composite from Northeast Asia. I spring the new leaves are silky silvery umbrellas, a delight to see and touch. In summer, fuzzy white flowers bloom on tall stalks.



>> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids
