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Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids


Caltha palustris var. barthei Zones 4-9 #021-076

Sun and water loving Japanese perennial, with dark yellow flower with shiny petals.
Cardiandra alternifolia NEW Zones 5-9 #050-047

Shade loving perennials similar as Hydrangea.25 to 40 cm hight. Bloom in early summer.
Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii Zones 5-8 #057-095

Chamaepericlymenum canadense NEW! Zones 4-8 #046-001
Chamaepericlymenum suecicum NEW! Zones 4-8 #046-002
Chelidonium hylomeconoides Zones 6-8 #024-004

This endless blooming woodland perennial is the one of the best yellow flower shade plant. Each flower stalk has 2-4 yellow round flowers, and come up from spring to autumn. Require good drainage and feed a lot for the endless bloom.
Chionographis japonica Zones 6-9 #057-010
Shade-loving Japanese native with a rosette of evergreen leaves with rippled margins. Spikes of fuzzy white flowers appear in early summer. Well-drained sandy or humusy soil, not too dry. Good shaded rock garden plant.
Chloranthus japonicus Zones 6-9 #034-001
Choice, rarely seen shade perennial with a showy spike of white bottlebrush flowers in spring. A 4-parted umbrella of foliage remains over the summer. .
Chloranthus serratus Zones 5-9 #034-003
Similar to above, from Japan and China, with later-blooming flowers in a more slender spike, with two spikes per plant.
Cimicifuga simplex Zones 5-8 #021-122

Clintonia udensis Zones 5-8 #057-098

Codonopsis lanceolata Zones 4-8 #016-005
Fascinating but rarely seen Northeast Asian perennial herbaceous vine in the bellflower family with large cream and purple bells in August. Like clematis, it wants its roots in the shade and top in the sun. Edible roots.
Conandron ramondioides 'Akabana' Zones 7-9 #007-004

Dark pink flower selection of Conandron. Conandron has star shapedflower in summer season. Require good drainage and humid.
Conandron ramondioides 'Momobana' Zones 6-8 #007-006

Pink flower selection of Conandron. Conandron has star shapedflower in summer season. Require good drainage and humid.
Conandron ramondioides 'Noshoku' Zones 7-9 #007-003

Conandron has star shaped purple flower in summer season. Require good drainage and humid.
Conandron ramondioides 'Shirobana' Zones 7-9 #007-005

White flower selection of Conandron. Conandron has star shapedflower in summer season. Require good drainage and humid.
Convallaria keiskei Splashed Variegation 'Soft Stripes' Zones 4-8 #057-008
Cream yellow splash/stripe variegation. Variegation is variable but very beautiful especially new growth.Good Fragrance.
Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata' Zones 4-8 #057-007
Albostriata is a one of the best Convallaria for ornamental use. Cream yellow stripe is good contrast with green leaves and white flowers. Easy to grow and require direct sun for more variegation. Good Fragrance.
Convallaria majalis Double Flower Zones 4-8 #057-088
This unique double flower Convallaria is very vigorous and easy to grow, easy to have flowers and long lasting bloom. Good Fragrance.
Convallaria majalis Pink Flower Form Zones 4-8 #057-089
Also call as f. roseum, tender-pink flower is very good for borders.Good Fragrance.
Convallaria majalis White Margine Zones 4-8 #057-090
Very good garden plant, in blooming season, they has good fragrance. The variegated leaves are also very good even no flower season.
Convarallia keisukei Zones 4-8 #057-094
Japanese native Convarallia with good fragrant.
Coptis japonica var. dissecta Zones 5-8 #021-001
Diminutive evergreen woodland perennial with fern-like leaves and tiny white starry flowers on dark stems, in early spring. Unique small-scale non-invasive groundcover. Evergreen parsley for shade. Reddish pinwheels of seed pods add summer interest.
Coptis quinquefolia NEW Zones 5-8 #021-002
Dwarf evergreen woodland perennial with ground cover habitat. White flower in early spring.


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Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids
