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Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids


Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Golden Angel' Zones 5-9 #030-006

All gold foliage of the Japanese woodland perennial for early autumn bloom. Spikes of soft yellow flowers are held above matte-green leaves on stems about 2 feet tall. Light shade or morning sun.
Leucosceptrum japonicum 'Silver Angel' Zones 5-9 #030-012

A wild and crazy variant of a choice fall blooming perennial. The silver center and green edge foliage harmonizes with the pale yellow flower spikes and adds interest when the plant is not in bloom. Woodsy soil in light to medium shade; not drought tolerant.
Leucosceptrum stellipilum 'Variegatum' Zones 5-9 #030-030

Lime-green, yellow and green tri-colored foliage with pink flower spikes, bloom in autumn.
Lilium callosum Zones 4-9 #058-026
Lilium concolor 'Aso' Zones 4-9 #058-009
Lilium concolor Yellow Flower Form Zones 4-9 #058-022
Lilium formosanum 'Hime' Zones 4-9 #058-016
Lilium lichtlinii (var. maximowiczii) Zones 4-9 #058-021
Lilium lichtlinii var. maximowiczii f. tenuifolium Zones 4-9 #058-018
Lilium maclatum ssp.davuricum f. rebunense Zones 4-9 #058-004
Rare and exciting lily from Rebun Island in the far north of Japan, where it grows among rocks and in sand near the ocean. The tough stems reach only about 5 inches tall, but are topped with one to three upfacing bowl-shaped orange flowers with dark spots. Easy in well drained soil in sun to light shade. Beautiful trough or rock garden subject.
Lilium rubellum Zones 4-9 #058-003
Lycoris sanguinea var. kiusiana Zones 6-9 #042-002

Neglected but beautiful August-blooming bulb from Japan with clusters of showy orange flowers, with longer more spidery tepals than sanguinea. Leaves appear in spring, disappear before bloom. Moist well-drained soil in shade or-sun.
Lysimachia thyrsiflora Zones 3b-8 #027-048

Lysimachia vulgaris var. davurica Zones 5-8 #027-011



>> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids
