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Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids


Maianthenum dilatatum Zones 4-9 #057-080
Hardy woodlander with cute white flower and red berries. Good for shade garden.
Maianthenum dilatatum 'Yakushima' Zones 4-9 #057-050
Very dwarf form of Maianthemum native in Yakushima. Everything tiny but easy to grow.
Mukdenia rossii 'Ogon' Zones 4-9 #050-005
New leaves come up with orange-yellow then fade to golden color, but finally change to cleam color. One of the best shade garden plants. Rare and limited supply.


>> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Premium Woodlanders

Hardy Orchids
