
Shibateranthis - Tanakaea << | >> Tricyrtis


Thalictrum filamentosum var. tenerum Zones 6-8 #019-011

Northeast Asian perennial with columbine-like leaves to about a foot or so tall. The showy clusters of flowers are pure white, held above the foliage. It blooms in July when not much is going on in the woodland garden. Easy in humus-rich soil in shade.
Thalictrum kiushianum Zones 6-8 #019-007

Dwarf creeping species from western Japan, heavy blooming with pink flowers.
Thalictrum rochebrunianum NEW Zones 6-8 #019-022

Japanase native Thalictrum with pale lavender color flowers. Good for cut flower. Easy to grow.
Thalictrum rubescens Zones 6-8 #019-010

Thalictrum sp. 'Yubari' NEW Zones 6-8 #019-027

Very rare Thalictrum native in Yubari mountains at Hokkaido, Japan.
Thalictrum urbaini Zones 6-8 #019-013

This rue anemone from Taiwan looks like a cross between Thalictrum and Anemonella, with white "petals" and fuzzy white stamens. It likes a humus-rich soil in light to moderate shade, not too dry. Beautiful for mid-summer color.
Thalictrum urbaini 'Taiwan Baika' NEW Zones 6-8 #019-012

Taiwan Baika is the selected clone as the petal remain longer. The flowers seems as Anemonella. Easy to grow.


Thalictrum x Nishiki NEW Zones 6-8 #019-009

Thalictrum x Nishiki White Flower NEW Zones 6-8 #019-023

Titanotrichum oldhami NEW Zones 9-8 #007-023

Tofieldia coccinea Zones 6-9 #057-053

Tufted grassy East Asian perennial, white flowers in June.

Tofieldia nuda var. furusei Zones 6-9 #057-006

Dwarf tufted Japanese perennial with starry white flowers in July..

Trautvetteria caroliniensis var. japonica Zones 6-9 #019-006

Rare Japanese woodland perennial with white flower and maple-shaped leaves.


Shibateranthis - Tanakaea << | >> Tricyrtis
