
Aconitum - Amsonia<< | >>Anemone


Adonis amurensis Zones 4-7 #021-059
A favorite Japanese symbol of the new year, it often blooms as early as January here in mid-Zone 6, closing its gorgeous buttery yellow flowers on cold or cloudy days to reappear with the sun. Plant in rich moist well-drained loam in deciduous shade.
Ainsilaea cordifolia Zones 6-9 #017-022
This woodland perennial in the daisy family with its beautiful silver mottled leaves is often mistaken for asarum in the wild, and they often grow together in mixed colonies. Each plant has a different leaf pattern, but they are all beautiful. They like a humus-rich, well-drained soil in light to moderate shade.
Ainsilaea dissecta NEW Zones 6-9 #017-019
A. dissecta is one of the rare species from middle south Japan, dissected leaves with tornade shaped small floewrs.
Alectrurus yedoensis var. platypetalus Zones 6-9 #057-29
This is a rare liliaceous perennial from the cliffs of Shikoku and Kyushu islands, Japan. Leaves are flat, grass-like; the panicles of small white flowers bloom in late summer. Likes well drained soil in light shade or morning sun. Good trough plant.
Allium schoenoprasum var. orientale Zones 5-8 #057-032
Also known as Allium maximowiczii. This is an alpine allium species from the mountains of central Japan. It grows about a foot tall, with pink button flowers on stiff stems in August. Light shade to sun in a gritty, well-drained soil. Easy.
Allium splendens var. kurilense NEW Zones 5-8 #057-037
Dwarf alipine allium species from northan part of Japan.
Allium victorialis ssp. platyphyllum Zones 5-8 #057-073
This is an alpine allium species from the mountains of central Japan. It grows about a foot tall, with round leaves and white button flowers on stiff stems in July. Light shade to sun in a gritty, well-drained soil. Easy.
Alpinia japonica 'Hanafubuki' Zones 7-11 #032-002
A new variegated form of an evergreen woodland perennial from southern Japan. The upright glossy green leaves are heavily striped and splashed with white, contrasting with the luscious pink flowers in late spring to early summer. Moist rich soil in shade, or as a pot plant in the North. This is one of the hardiest alpinias.
Anemonopsis macrophylla Zones 4-8 #021-005
One of the aristocrats of the shade garden. Handsome foliage resembles Cimicifuga, topped in late summer by wiry stems bearing pendant pink flowers, to 3 feet tall. Hard to find.
Amsonia elliptica Zones 5-9 #074-001
The Japanese species of Amsonia is a very beautiful plant, possibly the best for general garden use. It grows to about 18" tall with strong upright stems, crowned with clear caerulean blue flowers.
Amsonia elliptica White Flower Form Zones 5-9 #074-002
The Japanese species of Amsonia is a very beautiful plant, possibly the best for general garden use. It grows to about 18" tall with strong upright stems, crowned with white flowers.


Aconitum - Amsonia<< | >>Anemone
