Rare Plant Nursery
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Last update:09/7/14
Calanthe species and hybrid
Calanthe Open Days at Shikoku Garden
We has Calanthe Open days mid to late April. Hundreds pots for display and thousand for sale. Our main breedings are Kozu hybrid (C.discolor x C.izu-insulalis). Kozu hybrids has wide range of color variations and has very good flegrance. Japanese grows calanthe in pot, mainly, because it is much easer to enjoy their flegrance.
But they are very good plants for shade gardens. Most of calanthes are hardy avobe freesing. Depend on the breeding parents, they are much more hardy especially breed from C.discolor and C.tricarinata. Details in calanthe explanations in orchid list.
Calanthe Kozu hybrid pink selection
Pretty pink flower with white lip. Good flegrance in bloom.
Calanthe Kozu hybrid red selection
Dark red and pink lip with white margine.Very good flower shape selection. Good flegrance.
Calanthe Kozu hybrid purple selection
Purple flower with white lip. Big flower.
Calanthe Hizen hybrid (Calanthe discolor x C.aristulifera)
Cream flower with purple lip. Hizen hybrid sometimes has good pink to purple lip. Hardy but not flegrant.
Calanthe Hizen hybrid
Pale pink flower with red lip. This color comes from C.aristulifera and very important characteristic for pale color calanthe hybrids.
Calanthe discolor
Dark color flower with white lip. Very vigorous, hardy and easy to grow.
Calanthe sieboldii
Big beautiful yellow flower. One of the most beautiful shade plants.
Calanthe Takane hybrid ( Calanthe discolor x C. sieboldii)
Wide range color variations, from yellow, gold, orange, red and green.
Calanthe tricarinata
Very hardy species with green flower and dark red lip. Vigorous and easy to grow.
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